середа, 20 березня 2019 р.

середа, 13 березня 2019 р.

Form 3 Fly High 3 They always wake up early.

Unit 8 They always wake up early
wake up[′weɪkʌp] просинатися
early [ɜ:li] рано
show [ʃəυ] показувати
a bird [bɜ:d] птах

Form 4 Fly High 3 Сan you make a sandcastle?

Unit 25 Сan you make a sandcastle?
sandcastle ['sændkɑ:sl] замок з піску
armbands ['ɑ:mbænds] нарукавники
bucket ['bʌkɪt]відро
spade [speɪd]лопата
sun [sʌn] сонце
to make a sandcastle – робити замок з піску
to wear armbands- одягати нарукавники

вівторок, 5 березня 2019 р.

Form 4 Kyiv

1. Read the text.
Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. There is a river in Kyiv. It's called the Dnieper. There are some bridges over the Dnieper. The Paton Bridge is one of the most famous bridges.
Kyiv is green. There are many parks in the city. The biggest one is called Hydro Park. There are different attractions there.
Kyiv is old and beautiful. You can go down Andriyivskyi Uzviz or